Cooperative development for affordable housing and mixed-use
new building / 9 apartments / 1 working-unit
2004-2007 / Berlin / joint building venture Strelitzer Strasse
Net-area: 1.400 m² / KG 100-700: 2.060,– €/m² NGF brutto
LPH 0-9: Purchase of land / development / design-phase / execution with A. von Gwinner / A. Stahl
Strelitzer Strasse is one of first buildings in Berlin financed and realized within the cooperative model of the Baugemeinschaft. The architecture offers a large variety of affordable and adaptable typologies for living, the shared space of the garden is extended to the roof. To connect to the public space, the ground-floor is used for working, in addition, each flat can extend into the public realm by opening large doors towards the street. In 2009, the project won the Berlin Architecture Prize.